Admitting service for pediatric fractures

 Guideline for Admitting Service of Pediatric Fractures 


  • The following applies only to the single system injury children who have been cleared to go to the floor by the Emergency Medicine (EM) attending or the Pediatric Surgery (PDS) team.  
  • Any multisystem injury (defined as the need for more than one consult service to care for injuries) will be admitted to Pediatric Surgery (PDS).  
  • Any patient admitted to PICU or PCU will be admitted to the PDS or ICU appropriate teams. 



  • PDS will need to assess any patient requiring an abuse workup. This can be a consult on patients admitted to pediatrics.  
  • Orthopaedic surgery is expected to follow the patient through completion of discharge plans including plans for equipment, follow-up, and PT/OT to ensure timely discharge of patients and to prevent confusion related to sign offs. 



These guidelines are not intended as a directive or to present a definitive statement of the applicable standard of patient care.  They are offered as an approach for quality assurance and risk management and are subject to (1) revision as warranted by the continuing evaluation of technology and practice; (2) the overall individual professional discretion and judgment of the treating provider in a given patient circumstance; and (3) the patient’s willingness to follow the recommended treatment. 

admitting service



Developed:  8/2015  

Reviewed: 2017, 2020, revised 3/2024 

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