Discharging pediatric patients with spica cast





1.       Equipment Used EZ-vest (all sizes) and Radian r120 car seats.  Pictures of the equipment are located at end of this guideline.

2.       This equipment is routinely stocked equipment by KCH as this is part of the continuum of care process for these children, as determined & established by Enterprise Administration in 2012. 

3.       The EZ-vests are locked in the 4-East supply room cart. 

4.       The radian r120 car seats are also stocked by KCH and are located with the clerk who manages entry to PICU/NICU based upon storage availability.

5.       A consult order is placed to PT by Ortho or Peds Surgery team (attending and/or resident) for proper equipment based on age, size, weight of the patients in need.

6.       The stock maintenance of the equipment is managed through collaboration with Central Supply (materials) for EZ-vests and KCH triad for the car seats. 

7.      This equipment has been vetted and approved through the Pediatric Trauma Program Office since 2016.

8.       Equipment fitting is evaluated by PT/OT, who determines and coordinates for best transportation equipment fit, through the consult.

9.       Equipment utilization approval is communicated through the consult order and once completed, the patient is clear to be discharged.


Additional information/resources available in KCH Rehab Team guide (SPICA portion) and the SPICA cast educational handout for families. 


These guidelines are not intended as a directive or to present a definitive statement of the applicable standard of patient care.  They are offered as an approach for quality assurance and risk management and are subject to (1) revision as warranted by the continuing evaluation of technology and practice; (2) the overall individual professional discretion and judgment of the treating provider in a given patient circumstance; and (3) the patient’s willingness to follow the recommended treatment. 

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